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Dr. Shusen Pu

Assistant Professor


University of West Florida

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

11000 University Pkwy
Building 4 Room 341
Pensacola, FL 32514, United States


Dr. Shusen Pu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of West Florida (UWF). He earned his doctoral degree in applied mathematics from Case Western Reserve University in 2020, guided by Dr. Peter J. Thomas. Following his Ph.D., he conducted postdoctoral research alongside Dr. Christos Constantinidis. Prior to his current position at UWF, Dr. Pu worked in the Mathematics Department at Vanderbilt University.


Dr. Pu's academic interests span a diverse array of fields including computational neuroscience, mathematical statistics, data analytics, and deep learning. He is committed to exploring the complex relationships between empirical data and the underlying systems they represent. His research investigates a variety of topics, ranging from single-neuron functionality to neural network-based decision-making, as well as the complexities of working memory and stochastic behavior in biological entities.


In collaboration with biologists, Dr. Pu applies computational methods to decode intricate data. His statistical research delves deep into the realm of generalized distributions, assessing their relevance to practical datasets. A hallmark of his research approach is the integration of deep learning methodologies within the field of neuroscience.

Lab News



   Teaching (Fall 2024):

  • 80234 - MAC2311 Anlytc Geom/Cal I 

    • MWF 11:00 AM - 12:20 AM

    • Bldg/Rm: 4/210

  • 86436/86899 - IDC6146 Deep Learning for Data Science

    • Full Distance Learning

    • First/Second Half Term​

  • 80368 - STA4321 Intro: Math/Stat I

    • MW 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

    • Bldg/Rm: 79/178

  • 87048/87049/87047/86995/86992/86996/86997- Math/Stats/Data Science Capstone Projects 

    • Online Campus

    • TR 6:00-7:15 pm​


   Office hours (Fall 2024):

  • MW 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

  • Others by appointment


   Weekly Lab Meetings (Fall 2024):

  • Fridays 10:00-11:00

  • Fridays 09:30-10:30

  • Bldg/Rm: 4/212


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